Tuesday, October 07, 2008

TBD-- A Social Networking Site

I became interested in social networking sites through my work as a librarian. There have been a number of articles in library magazines about using these sites to reach out to library users. So, I set up profiles on Facebook, Linkedin, Karma411 among others. I have found Facebook to be useful to keep in contact with younger relatives, but the site that has provided the most connections with people I have never met is TBD—which stands for To Be Determined. The site was set up mainly for people over 40.

When someone joins TBD, he or she can fill out as much of the profile as they like. This includes an About Me section, and spaces to list interests and areas in which one has some experience or expertise. There is also an area where one can set up a scrapbook—something I have not done so far—but the most intriguing section of the profile consists of a series of questions. These include such queries as “If I have a free minute I like to______” and “I always wanted to live _______” along with many more.

TBDers also have the option to join groups created by members. Not surprisingly, I joined a few books/reading groups and one about blogging for boomers. Other available groups address such topics as dating, spirituality, communication in relationships, and careers. Group members can post questions for discussion.

Members can also browse the profiles of other members, and, if they like, contact another member asking to be their friend. Perhaps because most members are “of a certain age,” as they say, or perhaps because most use nicknames, TBDers seem more comfortable in reaching out to other members. For instance, one person asked me to edit a story she had posted to a writing group to which we both belong. Another member asked for advice about getting housing for a daughter going off to college.

So, if you’re interested in a relaxed and welcoming social networking site, try TBD.


Anonymous said...

This is an excellent blog! You friended me at TBD, when I checked out your profile I saw the link you your blog and, being a bit of a blogomaniac, I clicked on the link and landed here. This is an excellent blog with tons of interesting and fun stuff. I'd like to do a write up of your blog on mine in one of my posts, if you don't mind. I promise I'll be very nice. ;)
Thanks for sharing. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...
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librarian47 said...

Unfortunately, TBD ceased operations recently.